Sunday, March 9, 2014

In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb

 Who has spring fever?

As the saying goes, "In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb" the weather here has roared!  We are ready for some warm weather! 

 We wrote some cute acrostic poems for the words lion and lambs this week.   Here are some cute examples that my students wrote:

Lambs stay in a group called
A flock and they are
But they are nice and fun.

Lions are beasts
I love their mane
On their neck
No girl can have a lion as a pet!

This cute craft came from Miss Kindergarten Love.   Just click on her name to go to her store.  The students really enjoyed learning about where wool comes from, the uses of wool, and glueing wool on their lamb!  "It is so soft Ms. Webster,"  they said!  Great job class!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Librarian Visit and National Pig Day

On Thursday the public librarian, Mr. Mark, came to our classroom.  He read some cute books about President's Day.  The students always love when he visits.  After he read, he let the students make a Abe Lincoln collage.

On Friday we made pig masks and an Olivia the Pig craft for Saturday, March 1st, National Pig Day.  My favorite thing is pigs!  The students enjoyed this activity and they looked so cute with their pigs!  I  got the pig mask activity here.  I got the Olivia the Pig activity here.  Just click on the word here to go to each activity.